Touring-Ohio.com looks for writers who are professionals in the field with both reporting and writing experience. Writers must be familiar with Ohio and in particular, specific areas within the state which they are writing. We pay 7 cents per word. We only accept article submissions from the original author. By submitting material, you acknowledge that you are legally entitled to distribute the work and to allow it to be redistributed. We reserve the right to edit submitted materials to fit our purposes and we cannot guarantee that we will use your article. Authors should query us before submitting an article. In one paragraph, tell us your article idea. We will then contact you via email regarding your idea.
Touring-Ohio Features cover the traditional, the new, the interesting, the funky and the downright fun adventures and Ohio environmental stories. We are looking for insight, expertise and information that will entertain and inform our readers. We are not afraid to be funny, poignant, righteous or radical. 500 words maximum.
Ohio Personality Interviews cover the gamut from the famous to the infamous, and all persons in between that have a point of view that have a specific slant on Ohio. 500 words maximum. Contributors are responsible for procuring publishable-quality photos of the interviewed personality.
Ohio Destinations articles provide our readers with basic information and resources for great trips in Ohio. All destination articles should include contact info, where to stay/eat. Up to 250 words per destination. Contributors are responsible for procuring publishable-quality photos to go along with the destination piece.
Ohio Historical Destination articles include historical locations or events of an historical Ohio slant. We are particularly interested in destinations regarding the Underground Railroad, the War of 1812, and Civil War. Up to 500 words per destination or 200 words per event.
Ohio Recipes that feature a dish specific to the midwest and in particular to Ohio. Article should include ingredients, mixing directions, cooking times and temperatures. Any additional information about the history of the recipe improves acceptability. Please do not send recipes copied from cookbooks or other publications. We are looking specifically for midwest family recipes. Accepted recipes are paid at the flat rate of $15.00 per dish.
Article Formatting: please submit all articles in a DOC or TXT format. No formatting is required which means no fancy typefaces, no indenting, no bullet points, and no colors. Do not use HTML tags. We do require that you clearly identify the details of the piece as to location and date if appropriate.
Photographic Guidelines: we are interested in clear, in-focus images that provide a point of view of the subject. If recognizable people are in the photographs, a copy of the signed model release must be available upon request. Because images will only be appearing on the web site, resolution only needs to be 72dpi and no larger that 500 pixels wide (jpg's are preferred). No additional payment will be made for photographs, however, including photographs improves acceptability of an article. Photographer/author retains full rights and ownership to the photograph(s).
Credits: Credit will be given to all article submissions with author's name and short bio. Photographs will also be credited with photographers name.