Roscoe Village Restored
The dream to restore the canal town know as Roscoe Village began in the early 1960s in the minds and hearts of Edward and Frances Montgomery. Edward Montgomery grew up in nearby Coshocton and remembered the destruction of the canal system that came with the flood of 1913. In the early 1800s, Roscoe Village prospered as a port on the Ohio and Erie Canal. Canal boats traveled through Roscoe carrying goods to Ohio settlers and transporting furs and food to northern and southern ports. What stands today as the Old Warehouse Restaurant was the center of commerce as goods were unloaded, stored or sold through the mill store. The development of the railroads and the devastation that resulted from the flood signaled the end of prosperity for Roscoe Village.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery's dream lives on through the not-for-profit corporation they created. The Roscoe Village of today provides an educational, entertaining and fun atmosphere blending with the rich history of this Ohio region. Roscoe Village is a living expression of the dedication that Edward and Frances Montgomery had for each other and for the town they called home.
The Villagers
This unique “Village Within the City” has more than 20 eating and drinking establishments. Villagers can walk to shop at several charming boutiques, enjoy a delicious meal, and complement it with a stop down the block for gourmet ice cream or coffee. Every bit as unique as our local establishments are the people who live and work in Roscoe Village. They are committed to building a strong community through Roscoe Village Neighbors.