War of 1812
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Fort Seneca

Fort Seneca

General Harrison built 4 forts in northwest Ohio. He also used the older Fort Defiance as a staging area during the construction of these new forts. The goal of these fortifications was to fend off any advances by the British coming south around the western end of Lake Erie. The massive Fort Meigs was the keystone of his forts, the other 3 were more make shift in their design and considerably less fortified. They were used as primarily as supply depots.

Once General Proctor and his British and Native American forces were repelled at Fort Meigs in May of 1813, Proctor tried to flank Fort Meigs by heading east and coming down the Sandusky River.

A stockaded supply depot built by General Harrison on a site previously known as Camp Seneca named for the Seneca Native Americans that lived in the area.

In the 1820s a general store and a grist mill were established near this site, where the famous Scioto-Sandusky Indian Trail neared the Sandusky River. The settlement was first known as McNutt's, later as Swope's Corners. The village of Fort Seneca was surveyed January 14, 1836. It's name was derived from Gen. Harrison's War of 1812 fort, which was located a few miles down stream