Huffman Prairie Interpretive Center
Opposite the Wright Brothers Memorial, is the Huffman Prairie Flying Field Interpretative Center. Exhibits focus on the Wright brothers' development of the world's first practical airplane at Huffman Prairie in 1904 and 1905, their flying school starting in 1910, and the accomplishments of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Huffman Prairie Flying Field Interpretive Center
2380 Memorial Road, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 45433
(937) 425-0008
Huffman Prairie Practice Field
Huffman Prairie Flying Field was designated a National Historic Landmark for its role in the development and testing of the world's first practical airplane, the Wright Flyer III. Huffman Field, touted by some as the cradle of aviation and the world's first aerodrome, is the flying field where Wilbur and Orville Wright obtained the necessary practice and experience to master the principles of flight.
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