In 1938, Cadiz was proclaimed "The Proudest Small Town in America." A monument on the grounds of the Harrison County Courthouse commemorates the designation. Residents of the small town named it after the Spanish city of Cadiz. When coal was discovered nearby, many thought it would be a boon to the community. Instead, the coal was so close to the surface that much of the land surrounding the the town had been strip mined, leaving a vast wasteland. Over the years, like many areas of Ohio that had been strip mined for coal, the land was reclaimed and regenerated.
Nearly two dozen sites and points of interest have been identified in the five county area; perfect for a day or two of exploring the importance of eastern Ohio in the Civil War. Harrison County sites include Franklin Museum, General Custer birthplace and monument, Morgan's Raid route, and the walking tour of Cadiz, which includes sites related to former residents Edwin M. Stanton (Lincoln's Secretary of War), John A. Bingham (Prosecutor of Lincoln's assassins), Bishop Mathew Simpson (Lincoln's spiritual advisor), and General Thomas Vincent (coordinated Union Army recruitment efforts and attended to Lincoln on his deathbed).
Cadiz might be best known as the the birthplace of movie actor Clark Gable. His home is still open to the public.