The Works
Located in part of the old industrial area of south Newark, The Works is a surprisingly entertaining and informative complex that offers visitors a chance to look at our world through different eyes. Whether you enjoy hands-on experiences or just like to watch, The Works has something for everyone whether it's involved with technology, Ohio history, or artistic accomplishments.
First floor of The Works features plenty of hands-on learning experiences, Upstairs is provides a wide range of historical displays and tableaus that offer valuable insights into Ohio's rich history. Outdoors in the LeFevre Courtyard you can relax to the sound of splashing water, see the restored #174 Jewett Interurban Car that was manufactured in Newark, or drop in to the Central Gallery and Heritage Deli for fresh sandwiches and refreshments.
Above: A horse-drawn fire hose cart used by the Newark Volunteer Fire Department in the mid 1800s on display at The Works. The piece of equipment was manufactured in Cincinnati by carriage manufacturer's Isacc and Benjamin Bruce.
The Glass Studio
See the creation of glass by watching artisans master the technical difficulties of creating glass pieces using a variety of techniques. Glass blowing demonstrators can be seen Saturday and Sunday at 1p.m. and 3 p.m. and also during the week (Tuesday - Friday) at 10:30a.m. plus the regular afternoon schedule. Glass workshops are also available throughout the year for a hands-on experience of making your own glass piece.
The Gallery
Located at the main entrance is the Gallery where accomplished artists display their creations. Revolving shows throughout the year insure repeat visitors can enjoy new displays with each visit.
The massive mastadon was uncovered in 1989 by a construction crew digging a new pond for the Burning Tree Golf Course in Heath. What that crew uncovered has become known as the Burning Tree Mastodon the most complete skeleton of an American Mastodon ever found.
Radiocarbon dating revealed this male mastodon living about 13,300 years ago and that he died from Native American's living in the area. Parts of that skeleton now reside in The Works' 2nd floor historical section. The original Burning Tree Mastodon skeleton was sold in 1993 for over $600,000 and now resides in Japan. Casts of the skeleton were made and several full size replicas are on display throughout the country.
Hours for The Works:
Tuesday - Saturday 9 am - 5 pm
Open Sundays, January thru March, noon - 5 pm
The Works
55 South First Street
Newark, Ohio 43055
(740) 349-9277
The Lock #9 Mural is being painted by Brian Clemons of Columbus
Lock #9
A small section of the Ohio and Erie Canal including Lock #9 is being preserved, illustrated and hopefully in time restored. The park, located across the street from The Works, will serve not only as an educational site but also an important re-creation of a section of the Ohio & Erie Canal as it was in the mid 1800s. Currently a mural is being painted on the west side of a building owned by The Works that just happens to be sitting on top of where the old canal once traversed downtown Newark.
In 2008, after a dilapidated building was torn down, the canal channel once again became visible. It was decided that The Works might create an interesting slice of history on their property by restoring the exposed canal section and creating the mural. Murals on the sides of buildings aren't unusual, but in this instance the mural is being painted much as the scene would have looked 160 years ago on that very spot.
Locks were numbered starting with #1 at the high point of the canal (which is located in Akron) and sequentially increasing as the canal moved further away from the summit until it either reached the Ohio River or Lake Erie.
July 1825: a big month for Ohio transportation
FYI: Ground breaking ceremonies for construction of the Ohio & Erie Canal were held on July 4, 1825 a few miles south of this location between Heath and Hebron. New York Governor DeWitt Clinton was present for this ceremony. It was Clinton that provided the impetus to create the first major canal in the country: The Erie Canal. Two weeks later ground breaking ceremonies were held in western Ohio at Middletown for the Miami and Erie Canal, That same month, in fact the same day as the Hebron groundbreaking ceremonies, on the eastern side of the state in St. Clairsville, ground breaking ceremonies were held for the first phase of construction of the National Road that would one day connect the country from the east coast to Vandalia, Illinois.