Jazz & Ribs Fest
The Jazz & Ribs Fest has long been a major festival in Central Ohio. Over the years the event has only grown in popularity and size with crowds approaching the half million number. Each year some of the finest jazz musicians in the area and the country make their way to the multiple stages set up in the capital city along the river.
The music is hot and the food is even hotter. Columbus has become a destination spot for rib lovers and cookers seeking those gold plated trophies for "Critics' Choice", "Peoples' Choice" and "Best Sauce." The festival runs from Friday thru Sunday evening.
Jazz & Rib Fest History
In 1979, Music in the Air launched Jazz in July, a series presenting jazz through music, film and visual arts at various City of Columbus parks and facilities. Several activities were hosted at the Cultural Arts Center including a Jazz Film Festival and an art exhibit entitled, "Jazz Totems… An Affirmation of Life." Weekly lunchtime performances were held in the Cultural Arts Center courtyard and featured the newly formed Jazz Arts Group.
In 1990 the UpDowntowners' RibFest merged with the Jazz Fest to become the Jazz & Rib Fest -- Columbus' largest free outdoor music festival and one of the nation's largest rib cook-offs.