Municipal Services Center
The heart of the Upper Arlington government is at the Upper Arlington Municipal Services building at 3600 Tremon Road. The building also serves as the headquarters for the Upper Arlington Police Department.
UAs-Master Plan
With less than 5% of the City’s land use dedicated to commercial activities (which bring in significant higher tax revenues than residential properties), local income tax is a key source of revenue for the City and, as such, infrastructure maintenance and City service demands are outpacing the City’s funding capacity. The Master Plan which was adopted in 2001, is a document that dictates new construction (this includes renovating existing commercial properties) must meet guidelines that call for commercial areas to be higher-density, mixed use centers to generate higher tax revenues from the property.
While the Master Plan has the best interests of the city at heart, its implementation has been rather spotty at best. The new development west of Kingsdale is a good example of how the plan has been successfully implemented. Kingsdale itself is a good example of how the plan has hampered re-development. On the east side of Kingsdale, property that was zoned residential, was turned into commercial so a new bank could be built on one of the few remaining undeveloped properties.
Stated Goals of the Master Plan:
Land Use - Recognize the City’s residential nature while enhancing community redevelopment and revitalization.
Economy - Emphasize creation of a strong, diverse economy while respecting the community’s residential nature.
Community Appearance - preserve and enhance the City’s neighborhoods, parks and architectural amenities.
Community Facilities - maintain and expand community facilities to provide diverse recreational, social and cultural opportunities.
Community Services - provide quality, cost-effective community services.
Housing - facilitate in the provision of a range of well-built housing using old and new housing stock to accommodate people of all ages.
Transportation - provide a comprehensive, safe and convenient network.
Implementation - emphasize accountability, fiscal soundness, monitoring and appropriate regulations while fostering citizen and business involvement in the Master Plan’s effective implementation.
Upper Arlington, Ohio
Upper Arlington has a strong sense of community, with a population that has both higher education and income levels compared to the rest of the city.
The city has one high school is in an independent school district that consistently ranks high in test scores and has a strong reputation as being one of the better high schools in the state.
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