Civil War Encampments
Each year Civil War encampments are re-enacted at the Ohio Statehouse and open to the public. Visitors can walk among the tents and see Union soldiers dressed in authentic period dress and gear.
The encampments usually have numerous "stations" setup that will be conducting specialized activities that typify certain areas of military life during the Civil War.
The most popular station is always the Artillery. Four cannon normally located on the 4 corners of Capitol Square will be gathered together and one will be fired on the hour throughout the encampment. As the firing sequence conducted, an announcer usually describes the steps involved in firing the cannon.
Also on display will be typical medical station where just as many lives were lost during the war because of unsanitary practices as were saved. There are also plenty of marching drills as the new recruits learn the necessary skills to work as a unit and follow orders.
Battery A of the 1st Ohio Light Artillery is the unit providing most of the expertise during the re-enactment. specific mission is to promote the Ohio Statehouse and its identity as a site of civic involvement, education, and visitation; and also to promote awareness of state government and the state legislature.
Today's Battery A
Battery A, 1st Ohio Statehouse Light Artillery is a nonprofit volunteer educational organization of American Civil War re-enactors. The Battery is an extension of the Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board (CSRAB, a state agency) and the Statehouse Education & Visitors Center (SEVC, a joint entity of CSRAB and the Ohio Historical Society).
The unit’s purpose is to promote the Ohio Statehouse and its identity as a site of civic involvement, education, and visitation; and also to promote awareness of state government and the state legislature.
Historical Battery A
Organized as early as 1860, under the Ohio Militia laws. In 1861, after a 3 month stint in West Virginia, the battle of Scarey Creek exposed Battery A to its first taste of combat. By September of 1861, Battery A was mustered into national service at Camp Chase, for 3-year tour of duty. Following the mustering-in, they were moved to Gallipolis, Ohio and assigned to Brigadier General Cox.
On October 22, 1860, they were ordered to report to General A.M. McCook, at Camp Nevin, Kentucky. By 1862 the unit had moved to Green River; Louisville; Nashville; Pittsburgh Landing; and the advance on Corinth. Still assigned to McCook they marched to Florence, Alabama; Battle Creek; Jasper; Decard Station; Winchester; Tullahoma; Shelbyville; and Nashville. With General Buell, they marched into Kentucky and fought at Dog Walk and Bowling Green, Kentucky. They also fought with General Rosecrans at Stone River.
In 1863 Battery A was combined with the 20th OIB and Simonson's Indiana Battery to constitute an artillery brigade in the Army of the Cumberland's Second Division. The brigade accompanied McCook at Tullahoma; Liberty; Hoovers Gap and over Sand Mountain. They fought with gallantry in the battle of Chickamauga, and for defense of Chattanooga. On October 18th, 1863, Battery A reported to General Speer, at Sale Creek. They advanced through East Tennessee to relive Burnside at Knoxville, and had daily engagements with confederate cavalry until the middle of January 1864.
Although the unit was mustered out of service in early 1864, most of the men re-enlisted and rejoined the unit in Cincinnati. Battery A first returned to Nashville, and then on to Catoosa Springs, where they joined the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, with General Sherman. The unit then moved on to Gallatin, Tennessee. Towards the end of the war Battery A was sent to New Orleans with Stanley's Division, and remained there until they were finally mustered out of national service on July 31, 1865.